Sunset Lake Software - Comments for "Update filtered image" Comments for "Update filtered image" en Thanks Brad for the info, <p>Thanks Brad for the info, this is very useful to know! Would GPUImagePicture+GPUImageView make it work? (ref: <a href="" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>)</p> pubDate Tue, 09 Oct 2012 07:44:17 +0000 dc:creator nuthinking guid false comment 1603 at That's because of the way <p>That's because of the way that I optimize image downloads when running on iOS hardware. If you use -imageByFilteringImage:, I memory map between the final filtered frame and the resulting UIImage to save memory and have a much faster image download process from OpenGL ES. However, it means that the filter will be locked to that image until the original image is deallocated.</p> <p>You'll have to get rid of the original image first (perhaps by setting its property to nil) before re-filtering the source image.</p> <p>This doesn't happen in the Simulator, because I disable this memory caching optimization there due to the Simulator not supporting it.</p> pubDate Mon, 08 Oct 2012 20:31:34 +0000 dc:creator Brad Larson guid false comment 1602 at