Ploting equations

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 06/24/2009


I think will be great to choose in settings the app you want to plot equation, not only grafly. I use to SpaceTime and TouchPlot.


Brad Larson
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User offline. Last seen 4 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 05/14/2008

In order for plotting of equations in external applications to work, they need to have a way for me to hand the equation off to them. In the case of Grafly, I use a custom URL scheme which they had already implemented. That's why I was able to add support for this application as quickly as I did. I can't see any mention of custom URL schemes that those applications support, but I'll check with their developers.

That said, I'm polishing up an update that will add some iPhone OS 3.0 features to the application, including the ability to copy an equation and paste it as text in another application. That should let you plot your equations in these applications by pasting them in yourself.

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